Olla ~ Modern WooCommerce WordPress Theme by CodeSymphony Are you looking for theme for your online store. 2018-03-01 15:29:16
WPPizza Plugin for Restaurant Sites WordPress makes it so easy to build website for your business. 2014-11-28 03:01:46
WP Engine: Answering Common Questions You may not get cPanel look except WP Engine still gives you access to phpMyAdmin. 2014-04-23 04:31:11
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
How to Rebrand Your Blog Rebranding your blog can be risk, and it's important to make sure that you understand why you want to change, and what the benefits of rebranding will be.. 2018-06-21 11:00:45
Features You Should Look for in a Good WordPress Theme Premium themes can help you to transform WordPress into fully customized and customer focused experience.. 2018-06-21 11:49:38
Google PageSpeed Insights Now Aggregates Speed Data For Whole Site In Origin Command Google PageSpeed Insights can now tell you how fast your whole site is as whole because it now lets you see the aggregated page speed data across your whole domain name. in the past
CSS Hero Coupon CSS Hero is WordPress plugin that allows you to design your own WordPress theme without writing single line of code. in the past
Meet Writings Pro, a Gutenberg WordPress Theme for writers – DinevThemes Meet Writings Pro, Gutenberg WordPress theme built for writers, publishers, and content marketers... 2018-06-21 11:19:34
StudioPress Minimum Theme is perfect to start website, website or you can choose it for blog as well. 2013-07-06 06:09:44
Wordpress SEO in Los Angeles the odds of the visitor waiting through each step of the check-out process are much weaker.. in the past
How I Increased My Search Traffic by 47% from Translating My Blog into 82 Languages And have someone tune up your automated translations But if you have company with budget pay up.. in the past
20+ Best Social Media WordPress Themes & Plugins 2018 Instagram, more, and Twitter, then this collection of the best media WordPress themes and plugins can help.. 2018-06-20 19:10:08
Breht Burri – Beginning WordPress: Step-by-Step Home » WordCampTV » WordCamp Kansas City 2018. 2018-06-21 01:30:14
How to Contact Technical Support – Leadpages Knowledge Base Click the icon help circle in the corner of your dashboard.. in the past
Installing the WordPress Plugin – Leadpages Knowledge Base Every Leadpages account includes plugin you can use to install your pages and Leadboxes on your WordPress site.. in the past
Michael Martin On Wed 23rd Jan In Other By Michael Martin 15 There is lot of debate going on right now in WordPress about WordPress Foundation barring all ThemeForest CodeCanyon authors from speaking at WordCamp events.. in the past
Freshlife (themejunkie) Theme The default position for the logo is right and many users do not like it that way and may wanna change the position to suit the layout they want for their site, Now to achieve this you have to use custom css after uploading the logo file to your directory to replace the one that came with the theme.. 2013-01-31 22:20:50
Clover Themes it will become necessary to put portfolio section for the purpose of listing. 2013-09-24 08:12:32
Woocommerce PDF Invoices Plugin, Custom Email Invoice Template To create and drop purchase invoices directly to the email, all you need to do is install Woocommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips plugin once and it will perform the routine tasks. in the past