In case you have not noticed, many people maintain Amazon wish lists to remember their favorite products.
Did you know that you can save non- Amazon pages to these wish lists.
By adding Amazon Wish List button to your e-commerce website, you'll allow your visitors to save your product pages on their Amazon account.
The good news is Amazon makes it easy to integrate its universal wish list with your site..
To get started, go to Vendor Button page on Amazon and grab the appropriate code snippet.
Add it where you want in your template, and you are set.
You do get button styles to choose from, and we wish more options were available.
If you are bit creative, you may want to modify how the button works using CSS and JavaScript...
it's possible to add price, quantity, and comments every time you need to save new page.
You may want to check out. *some of our articles and lists might include aff links to fund our operations.
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