Easily embed images, audio, and video files on the term page and or term tooltip content, including content from external sources like Wikipedia or Merriam-Webster Dictionary..
Display excerpts of their definitions in popup tooltips, clicking on the term will route users to the term page complete with supporting images, video, or audio files..
Integration with External API Use APIs to draw definitions from Wikipedia, Google Translate, Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus..
By customizing the color, Tooltip Shape and Color Shape the tooltip look and, font size, border, shadowing, display delay, and more...
Shortcodes Create multiple glossaries via shortcode and work with custom shortcodes to connect with APIs such as Wikipedia, Merriam-Webster, Glosbe, Amazon, and Google Translate.
To see the major features of Tooltip Glossary Plugin, check out the clips below or visit our demo site..
Glossary Log & Statistics This for Tooltip Glossary tracks and reports tooltip usage statistics such term link clicks, inside tooltip clicks, term overall impressions, and server loads.
Glossary Remote Import Add-on for Tooltip Glossary that provides easy way to import, replicate and create up-to-date copy of your CM Glossary across several WordPress sites or domains.. $19.00 Add to Cart...
By exposing its content to users and visitors, Glossary Visual Widgets This add-on for Tooltip Glossary plugin lets you add six new widgets to your glossary.
With the Pro+ and Ecom editions Once you've created your glossary categories, placing inside page or post can be done using the shortcode.
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