By dragging and dropping theme elements into the Moreover, they are also integrated with the popular drag and drop page builder plugins like Visual Composer, Elementor, Site Origin etc for easily creating any number of pages.. Besides, the theme includes WP Bakery Page Builder plugin that allows you to create any number of webpages using easy to use drag and drop functionality. Furthermore, the theme also includes builder and slider options to promote your WooCommerce in stunning way.. Humble is multipurpose drag and drop WordPress themes to create beautiful website in no time. Bronx is responsive drag and drop WooCommerce theme for creating any type of eCommerce WordPress website. Besides, the template is also integrated with Revolution Slider to add beautiful sliders on your WordPress website for boosting its engagement rate.. Moreover, the theme is also compatible with WordPress plugins like bbPress, BuddyPress, WooCommerce and Visual Composer.. Besides, the theme is integrated with Visual Composer for letting you build as per page as per your requirement using the drag and drop functionality.. Besides, the theme consists of customization options and settings to create WordPress website in very less time.. Therefore, you are layman and searching for WordPress with easy to use configuration and customization options then, theme at reasonable price..
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