This is why you need better copy, and thus better content, that engages and converts your readers. Conversion Copy Tips for Better, More Human-Friendly SEO Content.
the points should build on each other and work together framing, and beams hold up house's walls and roof..
For starters, keep abreast of the latest research on types of headlines and.
you'll lose your readers in the process..
Mediocre verbs and adjectives are non-committal, do not provide clear picture of what you mean, and make your writing look and sound lackluster..
CTA provides direction, encouragement, inspiration, and motivation for your readers to take the action you want..
How to Pin Tweet That Makes the Most of Your Content ) for inspiration..
you'll never stay in the reader's mind long enough to make impact..
example of great, impactful ending to blog comes from Stephanie Stahl and her post for Content Marketing Institute, 4 Secrets of Great Storytellers...
If you're SEO writer and have forgotten your most important critics your human readers it's time to refocus..
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