Have you ever skipped reading article, because you could never reach the section you wanted to read when you started reading it. table of Content helps you highlight the critical sections of your article so that reader can have entire read or jump to the part he think is most relevant to him her... One of them is that it helps Google to show in the search results.. So now that you know the benefits of adding Table of Contents to your I am sure you would want one for your blog too. Fixed TOC is very powerful coded WordPress plugin that will help you add Table of Contents to your blog very easily. Fixed is translation ready so you can localize it to any language that you want to.This theme is compatible across various browsers and works with the latest versions of WordPress. By your page or post content, The best thing about this plugin is that it allows you to generate customizable and multi-level Table of contents. Customize your table of contents with different sections, titles, positions, headers, and sidebars, defined. extremely powerful yet user-friendly plugin Table of Contents Plus helps you create the context-specific index or table of contents for long pages. By using this plugin, you can generate TOC on the fly without any labor. By using this plugin, you can categorize your content and make it easily readable to your readers.. By clicking on in the By doing so, you can let your readers jump to header TOC.
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