chances are ) the company has blog and B ) they use WordPress, what with one-fourth of all websites now using WordPress platform... It's solution, however the trade off is the more plugins that get added to site, the slower the website becomes. First and foremost, your site is not going to get adequate attention without search optimization tools, and Yoast SEO is the easiest, most complete plugin for this feature. This plugin streamlines your tags across all data analytic platforms, and make sure keywords are aligned and in the correct places.. You want to be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that all of your website content is backed up protected from getting lost in the black hole that is Internet. The functionality of this plugin, the aesthetically pleasing layout, makes for efficient content management system. 4. WP-Optimize. WP-Optimize is plugin that acts working to keep your performance up to standards. 5. WP- Google Analytics Dashboard. For blogs that allow comments on posts, there is need for plugin that prevents and filters out spam, keeping conversations and comment logs clean. This plugin is easy to configure and has plan pricing options that are flexible and affordable, however does require API key and account registration. 7. ShareThis. WP-Touch is the plugin that gives you the option to choose from selection of mobile-friendly themes to improve the user experience for visitors accessing your site via mobile devices. Be careful not to overload your site with too many plugins and always check in to WordPress forum discussions, you more ideas, and inquiries...
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