So here is collection of 10 amazing WordPress Themes designed for Mobiles which will let your readers enjoy reading your posts on their iPhones, iPads or Androids.
WPtouch is simple and theme that converts WordPress into iPhone application..
Created with jQuery Mobile plugin, it's great for people who want to make their blog look good and easy to read on mobiles.
It utilises many jQuery Mobile features to ensure optimum ease of reading on mobiles like iPhone, Blackberries or Android..
This one is simple and theme that is awesome for iPhone-friendly News, Blog, and other text-centric WordPress sites..
It's compatible with touchscreen devices like iPhone & iPod Touch, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Palm Pre, Symbian.
This one is theme which supports advanced touch browsers such as iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Pre and is also works great with mobile devices..
WordPress Mobile Theme is theme and can prove to be useful for those site blog owners.
The special thing about this theme is that it fits in all the mobile phones having any resolution.
It's complete toolkit from dotMobi that will help you lot to mobilize your WordPress site and blog..
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