With these widgets you can show upcoming events with date that are created or let your user submit events from the frontend and much more.
RSVP ME is simple yet powerful WordPress plugin which allows you to create events that your site visitors can RSVP to via the event's page or thorough widget.
The CP Multi View Event Calendar is calendar for WordPress websites that features visualization modes and multiple predefined styles.
It can be used right out of the box as calendar or can be customized to integrate into your existing WordPress environment..
Events Planner is Event Registration Plugin, built with standard WordPress tools, making it extremely powerful and flexible..
This plugin allows the user to select start end date and time on the standard post details screen so the post title can be shown on calendar page.
When visitor views the calendar page and clicks on post title they are taken to the order to read the details..
Download GetEvents WordPress plugin to create relevant events pages for your website.
GetEvents offers variety of ways to create customized web pages that show relevant events in your area, categorized as your site�s visitors would like to see them..
This feed is read by search engines and robot crawlers to index your event pages and forward the web users to URL..
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