WP-FacebookConnect adds Facebook functionality to WordPress using the.
QuailPress allows you to integrate with Facebook Share so that users can share your posts on their Facebook accounts...
Facebook Connect, MySpace ID, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, and AOL just go to Gigya website and get your API and Scret Keys to use this plugin...
Fotobook is WordPress plugin that will link to your Facebook account and import all of your photo albums for use in your WordPress installation.
The RPX wordpress plugin lets you use OpenID, Facebook Connect, Twitter, MySpace, Google, Yahoo., and Windows Live ID authentication on your blog... 10 ) Facebook Posted Items.
This plugin displayed your posted items of facebook in your wordpress... 11 ) Facebook Dashboard Widget.
It notifications you at the wordpress as admin login and you can see the updates of your facebook friends status without login the facebook...
This plugin adds footer link to add the current post or page to Facebook Mini-Feed.
Clicking this link will bring the user to the Facebook site.
Facebook comments is WordPress plugin that will import comments from your facebook notes back into your wordpress blog...
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