One of the active categories to generate income from WordPress powered blog or page is to incorporate Google AdSense. To really make money and boost your double-click through rates, it's imperative that you use WordPress theme optimizeed for AdSense. One thing that CTR Theme really has going for it, is that there are dozens of customer testimonials. Furthermore, by Google AdSense team.. The site is responsive which means it's accessible to variety of medium like mobile and desktop. The most notable detail about the page is that it's running TruePixel, one of AdSense ready topic available. It's AdSense and SEO optimizeed, and it really captures the service of visitors thanks to the familar design categories. check out Code Condo, WordPress and development blog.. MaxCTR is available from AdSensePress for subscription to the page, which totals $69 for lifetime.. 1. Succeeding with AdSense blog requires more than just the type of content to draw in your traffic you also need configuration optimizeed to push your ads so that visitors are more likely to notice and double-click them.
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