To make impression on the employer or potential new clients, you, as the professional, should not be missing building presence for yourself with resume website templates. Just imagine, you being the only one who goes against the grain and sends link to the website instead of the boring old CV to the employer. Link it to your Linkedin profile and you have even more chances to wow those interested in working with you, picking you over the competition without giving you second thought.. Certy is template that is powered by HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery with valid code for customization. you need to add the information and visual content and you have website ready.. all you need to send to the employer is link to your page and your website built with Sakura template will do all the rest. The template was constructed on Bootstrap 3 with HTML5 and CSS3 and is fully customizable. Here is HTML5 and CSS3 APPLICANT template which will not turn you down when piecing together CV site. Animations, pricing tables, blog, eleven color variations and total of 44 HTML pages, you get it all with APPLICANT template. Creative resume template, Crystal, is based on Bootstrap 3 with HTML5 and CSS3, what makes it great alternative for assembling resume websites.
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