It's very and technique which can be used in many ways, for instance, to present the login or email sign up boxes in efficient and attractive way..
This one is tiny script that allows displaying modal window with Mac-styled lightbox effect.
ColorBox is jQuery plugin for creating modal windows that allows displaying images, grouping, slideshow, Ajax, inline, and iframed content and in eye-catching way.
This one is JavaScript library that lets you create modal dialogs or wizards without utilizing the traditional popups and page reloads.
This one is lightweight and jQuery plugin that allows creating modal windows for showing notices, dialogs etc..
It utilizes jQuery UI Framework for creating and adding style to the modal window, including colors and background etc..
This one is yet another awesome modal window plugin and the thing that makes it different from others is the fact that it's responsive, touch enabled and mobile optimized plugin.
One feature that makes it stand out from its rival is the 'single click feature.
This plugin allows you to create Mac-style lightbox that floats on top of the page and contains content such as images, html content, maps, and videos etc.
This one is lightweight and easy to implement lightbox that lets you show images and other content in fluid way..
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