With the send of WooCommerce I realized WordPress eCommerce solution was and it could fulfill the needs of many users. Slow down Sally, it is not that easy.. eCommerce is not simple and there are category of rules that need to be reviewed prior to jumping into WordPress and eCommerce.. Before any design bank or WordPress consultant can truly help you, you need to know exactly what your need and you need to have clear understanding of the potential total. If you know your needs, you'll be to identify what is potential fit and thus have idea of the number to purchase. New products will be added, old products removed, prices will shift, etc. You need to make sure you have terms that is not hard to use and provides methods for making ongoing updates without the need of compiler. Search How not hard is it for visitors to find what they're looking for and how robust is the built-in search. WordPress's standard search feature is not overly robust, so make sure your eCommerce solution offers application that goes above and beyond that of the default search in WordPress... Shipping Do you need your eCommerce solution to bundle with FedEx, UPS, etc. processes name forum, CRM system, booking system, warehouse system, management, or accounting software name QuickBooks or FreshBooks. Affiliate Tracking and Payments Affiliate marketing is great way to increase web and overall branding of your products. Discounts and Coupons Do you need discounts or trades for use, custom use, or to provide incentives for reviews and return purchases..
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