The real reason behind its popularity is the fact that it's and easy to use and boasts many awesome features such as the availability of plugins.
plethora of amazing jQuery plugins is available out there which can help you create many fabulous things easy quickly and let you achieve some great and professional results..
Viewer3D Javascript provides 360° view of set of photos or panorama.
This one is really cool jQuery plugin that allows on-demand searching..
It provides interface for collapsible panels which have the ability of holding any type of data in restricted space..
This one is file upload tool that allows selecting multiple files, dragging & dropping, progress bars and previewing photos..
And this plugin allows you to add this effect using CSS3 filter.
This plugin requires Javascript and CSS3 to work properly.
This one is library that utilizes jQuery and Raphaël that allows making drawing time-series graphs easy and quick. 6.
It allows creating extremely-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery easily and quickly...
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