The Ad management system incorporated in the theme allows you to place ads easily in appropriate areas like header, below post title content, footer, and sidebar .. eGamer gives users control over many of the themes functions, making the banner ads, recent reviews section, video section, random articles section, and post-page thumbnails optional. The challenge of any theme is to take massive amounts of content and present it to the in clear and structured manner... The goal behind this theme was to create design that could display loads of content in organized visually pleasing manner... It offers AdSense position on the homepage right inside the post, before or after the content.. The theme is SEO friendly and in design which helps your site standout from rest of the competitors... The theme allows you to change the site designs with font awesome, Google fonts, scheme adding the user experience... The theme is SEO optimized to rank in search and powers the environment to the user. The theme is packed with SEO features like validated codes, schema markups, on page SEO, media buttons and other features that search engines love.. Similarly, the customizer allows you to live preview the changes of your website and customize the theme setting easily..
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