WordPress theme that includes pricing boxes, pricing tables and nivo slider 5 custom page templates are also included including portfolio and blog... Hostmagnet is responsive hosting design that includes VPS slider, case. Lots of features are integrated into the design including PayPal processing, MailChimp and domain look ups. responsive hosting design that features home page slider, VPS and WHMCS integration. SlickHost is clean hosting WordPress theme that features Slider Revolution slideshow plugin. Features include jQuery, WHMCS integration, three colour schemes and testimonials support... It features slider on the home page, four custom widgets, shortcodes and login module... Boasting jQuery on the home page, WOW has many great features such as domain lookup, VPS and WHMCS integration... WordPress hosting theme that includes portfolio, blog and testimonial page types... professional hosting design that is packed full of features such as WHMCS, advanced options panel and home page slider.
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