In most cases these three things are not going to make or break your website except avoiding them will make your site less cluttered and better organized, there will be fewer files to backup and update. 3 WordPress Mistakes Every Blogger Should Avoid 1.
Each time you install theme, you are creating in the wp-content themes folder filled with the theme files files that you do not need to keep..
Make sure that if your theme is theme that you do not delete the parent theme..
Click on the theme thumbnail, larger preview will pop up -> then click delete, WordPress will ask you if are sure you want to delete this theme -> click ok.. 2.
Remove it to minimize the number of update notices you receive and to eliminate any confusion down the road as to.
This is not just newbie mistake — we all do it you upload image or PDF file that is not quite right so you upload one. Take moment each time this happens to delete that first upload.
Remember, you do not need to upload it to your library time.
Perfect for WordPress website owners and users who want the skills and knowledge to create and manage WordPress website..
No customer, etc needs to see link for you to log into your WordPress dashboard when they got to your site.
One day, by mistake I deleted the database of my blog from Cpanel and It created major issue in my site.
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