Since the mid 90′s the internet has sparked in communications and culture. Industry analyst have identified the common methods hackers use to compromise WordPress sites 41% through 3rd party hosting companies, 29% through malicious or unsecured themes, 22% from malicious or unsecured plugins and 8% from weak passwords.. Let's fragment the data and explore vulnerabilities that exist WordPress and poor network securityOS environments that affect WordPress.. Analysis of WordPress CMS cavities security themes, updates, wp-config files, wp-admin files, plug-ins, default account names, weak logging security, enabled file-editing, absent firewall plugins, non encrypted backups and using WordPress table prefixes.. System and network vulnerabilities that bridge to WordPress security loopholes include server hosting vulnerabilities, viruses, weak network security, weak security and absent SFTP .. They include using WordPress release, not displaying WordPress, data using Dropbox, hide wp-config php, change default admin name, use reputable hosting services, do not install free themes, use strong passwords, protect wp-admin directory, deny access to plug-ins and use trusted plug-ins.. The recommendation is to download WordPress site and execute security scan on the folder. Confirm spam sites do not exist that use keywords like Viagra to redirect users to the site. Those statistics do not include the million new posts and 67 million comments that are posted to WordPress sites monthly.. The best way to secure WordPress site is to execute counter measures to vulnerabilities mentioned in this article.
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