Think about it this way you write great content, spend considerable amount of time and effort on marketing it, and they scroll for few seconds and leave. On the other hand, the engine would improve its ranking SERPs because it indicates that the visitor was satisfied with the content on that page.. Apart from indications that dwell time helps to increase your ranking SERPs, it also improves the quality of content on your website and that alone is good enough reason to work towards improving your dwell time.. High bounce rates can cause your page's ranking to drop SERPs because the engine thinks that the content on your page was not able to engage the visitor.. Time on page does not say anything about whether the user after spending X amount of time on your page next navigated to another page on your website or went back to the search page. Knowing about bounce rate and time on page, it's clear that to increase your time, you will have to decrease bounce rate and increase time on page. Here are some of the ways you can improve the user experience your website delivers so visitors spend more time on your website #1 Capture Visitor's Attention and Keep Them Engaged. your website must capture the visitors attention quickly and keep them engaged with the content of the web page. By focusing on improving the user experience your site delivers and the quality of your content, you can increase the time of your website.. Devesh Sharma is the founder or WPKube, WordPress resource which focuses on WordPress tutorials, How-to's, guides, plugins, news, and more...
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