The 42U HTML5 Upgrade prepares page for HTML5 and allows you to start using HTML5 structure tags center in your posts and pages stretch article etc regardless of the server viewing them.. The 42U HTML5 Upgrade plugin loads Modernizr enables HTML5 Schema in TinyMCE Editor and adds HTML5 categories to TinyMCE badge list.. The Modernizr build includes CSS3 HTML5 and Misc tests and the html5shiv w printshiv and Modernizr. load. Upload 42UHTML5 like all issues within to the wp-content plugins directory. Activate the plugin through 'Plugins in WordPress... In general author are called polyfills.. polyfill n JavaScript shim that replicates API for older browsers. That means you can develop for the future with API and only load concerns polyfills on browsers that do not support that API or feature.. And good news for you there is polyfill for almost HTML5 feature that Modernizr detects. So in more type you can use HTML5 or CSS3 feature and be able to replicate it in non-supporting browsers. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS....
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