While there are plenty of portfolio themes and portfolio themes, the advantage of portfolio plugin is that you can integrate it into theme or site.. or if you're just in love with theme that does not have functionality, using one of the plugins on this list is what you want.. complete with links to the portfolio item where visitor can learn more about the project.. Finally, Essential Grid supports lightbox functionality, including neat lightbox feature to let visitors play videos in the lightbox.. You can see version of this effect at Astra Starter Sites library it's the exact same idea .. One neat thing here is that you can add search box to your portfolio display. Go Portfolio works lot like the grid plugins in that you can include both basic content and pull WordPress posts or post types.. One of the unique things about this plugin is that it includes carousels and sliders addition to the more grid approach that lot of the other plugins offer.. FAT Portfolio supports both images and videos, including option to use post types as the portfolio items so that you can link to separate pages for each item.. You can also use FAT Portfolio to embed Flickr or Instagram gallery, which might come handy if you're photographer and want to show off the work you're posting on social media..
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