Not everyone likes the same type of content or is looking for the same thing, and not every piece of content sends the same signals to Google. Studiers The perpetrators of multi-thread searches and specific long-term queries, these users are looking for detailed answers, reviews, case studies, and specific dimensions and research on specific target. This is big part of Google evaluation guidelines, the ones that gave us E.A.T principle. Long form content that is well researched and linked shows users your expertise, cases that to search engines and Google evaluators as well. The more long-form informative content you have on the web with your name on it, the authority you have with Google and other search engines.. Now, when is the time you Googled the niche of your site with long-tail query you have answered on your blog.. the reason could be SEO and keywords of your site, and it could also be that you have not set yourself apart as authority from the rest of those writing the same type of content. 2. By virtue of the fact that people want to share it, While indeed you should have link building campaigns and build links from sites that build your authority and ranking, your content should also be such that it earns those links. Google still maintains that social signals are not part of rankings, that even if it's not, the traffic it brings does have impact. The more organic and social generated traffic you get, the more, and quality backlinks you have, the higher your rankings.
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