experts tend to focus on order form and cart abandonment and ways to combat it, you should know that understanding general form abandonment is just as important if you want to boost conversions and grow your business.. To help convince you to focus on your mobile form abandonment rates, take look at these startling statistics 81% of people admit to abandoning form no matter the reason 19% of people will return to fill out form if the company reaches out via email or phone.. And be sure to check out how to save partial form entries using WPForms Forms Abandonment addon.. If user has to scroll, zoom, or turn their device you can expect they'll get frustrated and annoyed and abandon your form for sure. B test your forms using MonsterInsights and Google Optimize to see what people like and what turns them off. That said, you should always aim to make your site as fast as possible to avoid large percentage of people abandoning your form because the content takes too long to load.. Monitor to see how people behave on your site using tool such as UserZoom or UXCam to identify areas of improvement.. Ultimately, the easier it's to navigate your site, whether user wants to read your blog content, make purchase, or sign up for your list, the more traffic, sales, and subscribers you'll see. 4. check out our article that discusses the importance of having SSL certificate on your website... to make sure your mobile forms being filled out and submitted, check out this article on how to track WordPress form conversions..
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