With the strategy, you could drive ton of traffic from Facebook to your website.
The more likes and reshares your articles get, the better off your business will be.
By locking parts of your content and asking your visitors to pay for them by liking your site, One of the most interesting ways to generate traffic from Facebook is.
WordPress Like Locker locker plugin that asks your visitors to like your article before they can see it.
Facebook Traffic Pop adds Facebook popup to your pages, making your visitors wait for number of seconds before they can see your content.
Like Gate as the name suggests, this plugin locks certain parts of your content and opens them up to those.
Advanced Facebook Content Locker you can this to all your pages or only the ones you prefer.
Tip 20 ways to drive more traffic to your site.
Should you add social share wall to your site.
The more likes you get, the better off your website will be.
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