Secure your devices, choose reliable #hosting, use reliable themes & plugins, strengthen #passwords, and use # VPN services to improve the #security of your # WordPress site.. Keep in mind that these programs can make huge difference in your security system. #2 Choose Reliable Themes and Plugins Only. Another way to protect your WordPress website is to make sure all your plugins are secure. The lack of updates makes the plugin easy target for hackers, which is why you do not want to install such plugins to your site. #3 Choose Reliable Hosting Company. Failing to set up password means that you are making it easy for hackers to exploit your website. try to change the password every two weeks and never use these bad passwords. #5 Use Virtual Private Network. VPN service encrypts the connection between your device and the server, making your data invisible to third parties. It's especially important to activate VPN when you want to access your website through public networks and insecure hotspots. Thanks to Virtual Private Network encryption tunnel, no one will be able to access your credentials and other data. Most importantly, do not forget to use VPN service when using your laptop or phone logging into your site via public networks.
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