Another trick could be offering none of the ad slots to the sidebar and rather in, before or after the post content since that is where the main focus of reader lies right. All this is dependent on the way the ads are placed on your blog, implicating if you know the best spots to place ads and have knowledge of editing WordPress themes then you can optimize any theme for Adsense. Another mind blowing fact is most of the Adsense optimized themes mentioned below are equally fast and optimized for SEO as well. Besides, themes that are optimized for SEO are most likely to get you more organic traffic, CPC bids and more clicks compared to non- SEO optimized themes. i have couple of themes already listed on this article that will skyrocket your Adsense earnings irrespective of your daily clicks.. The ad slots on this theme are placed in areas that will earn you high click-through rates with options of several widgetized ad slots for banner ads placed within articles.. Besides the great features and ad slots, i am recommending this theme out of my personal experience and guarantee you will see results right away if you make use of it's in-article inbuilt ad slots.. Besides the ad slots on the right and left sidebars, this theme allows you to place ads right below the post title and just after the title. This theme is fast, nice looking and will let Adsense ads blend in beautifully to your website without affecting the in any way. CTR means more Adsense revenue and CPC is major too if you have installed any of these Adsense optimized WordPress themes or any other theme and noticed sudden hike in your CTR and less change in your Adsense earnings then it's time you learnt how to increase Adsense CPC for better revenue...
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