The plugin generates HTML files from your dynamic WordPress blog and caches it instead of WordPress PHP scripts.
HTML, JavaScript and CSS files are minified order to improve the page load time on your website.
Cache Enabler — lightweight caching plugin creates HTML file of your site and serves it to the majority of your website visitors upon request.
The server will deliver HTML file and avoids the resource-intensive backend processes.
The version of the plugin requires fee and offers wide range of tools that are not provided in the version.
of WP Fastest Cache has desktop caching, minification of HTML, and combination options for JavaScript and CSS.
So, overall, WP Fastest Cache has been known to speed up your website and improve its performance compared to site without any caching plugin at all...
Comet Cache is the successor plugin to ZenCache, older caching plugin by the same developers.
The plugin has full 4.6 out of 5 stars rating which is not surprising as it's one of the free options in our compilation of 7 best WordPress caching plugins.
With the plugin installed and activated, you get the options to control the automatic cache clearing behavior for Home and Posts Page, Author Page, Category, Tag, and Custom Term Archives, Custom Post Type Archives, RSS RDF ATOM Feeds, and XML Sitemaps...
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