The area of WordPress site keeps all information, plugins, and tools so that the administrator can handle the site easily. Often, you have seen that WordPress dashboard is bland with only few widgets that are not very useful. That's why to make your site more attractive and increase the user experience, you have to use WordPress dashboard plugins. This thing is beast and it shows ton of related information about your website, info, Server info, social buttons and debug log for your server.. dashboard widgets comes with complete set of widgets which you can to your WordPress admin area, elaborated are as follows. The Client Dash plugin is addition to the project if you set up client on WordPress. it comes with lot of features, the best is you can customize the list of your client. By choosing one of the three available presets and you can customize it as per your requirements, By using this plugin you can customize the admin panel menu easily.. Additionally, with the help of this White label CMS plugin, you can change or edit logo and text located in the footer of WordPress theme. Apart from that, with this plugin, you can also select edit menu titles, add menu icons, reorder the menus, set access rights, show hide specific items, change permissions, and much more. This plugin has version that comes with advanced features such export your admin menu, hide the menu from everyone exclude user, create menus open in new window, drag item among menu level, and much more..
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