You'll spend more time and more money creating and promoting new content for the few that do convert, and money, and energy into optimizing your site for engagement, you'll find yourself with conversion rates while spending less.. There are number of different steps you can take to optimize your site's speed, steps you can learn more about in our Easy Ways to Speed Up WordPress post, and we'll mention few here.. The first thing you can do is simplify your navigation to make it easier for visitors to find the content they're looking for. such as Services page and Pricing page, create menu item for your blog, and use the parent categories as menu items.. they may find something about your content to be too off-putting to finish. By linking to relevant content throughout your posts, great way to get visitors to engage with your content is by encouraging them to read more of it, and simple way to do that is.. Single out individuals who comment on your posts or engage with you on media, and ask them what problems they're having and what topics they want to see covered on your blog.. You can even go to forums, Facebook groups, and LinkedIn groups to talk to members of your niche there.. There's lot you can do to increase engagement on your site, as you can see, revolve around what you can offer to your audience, not necessarily what they can offer to you.. Once you optimize that part of your website, you can focus your attention on finding ways to make your content more engaging and something your audience would want to read and discuss further..
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