By menu click on the initial landing page, The formatting is adaptable as well, allowing you to create galleries, videos, or product lines that can be represented. You'll also benefit from the inclusion of the images that are placed on the page to direct visitor's attention to your core items.. Above the fold, you've got room for your logo, handful of menu options, and description are to discuss you vision, mission, or goals. You're permitted to add image to complete the look, or you can choose to take advantage of the extra white space the design provides. The grid blocks are square, which makes it option for photographers looking to feature their work. You do not have any space for descriptive statement, however, because the emphasis of this free theme is on the images you've created... You've got plenty of room for centered logo above the fold, along with social sharing, search box, and menu options... As you scroll down, there's room for your bio on the landing page, while the rest of the look feels more like blog. You can structure the grid to be 1-3 columns, with varying levels of text, to meet the specific needs of your site.. The designs will generate clicks through clean, organized look with minimal work to install or update each theme.
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