You can shift the type of the text and background hover with help of the additional parameters of constructor. You can add any of Font Awesome icons and use it as icon with button with text and not hard individualize it for your needs. You can create and show great cartoon information block in sidebar that contains Your with Font Awesome number headlines categories and links to URL.. You can add Font Awesome Icon and position of this number for each describes of any taxonomy or books and use this parameters in PHP and HTML code... Activate the plugin through 'Plugins in WordPress.... FAQ. Following shortcode can be used for adding of icon with text and shape.. Font Awesome icon like without. fa-. prefix. text allows to set text value that displays at the center of the icon.. Shortcode with additional predicts for button with text.. text allows to set text value that displays at the center of the icon.. You can get the data for specified term of taxonomy with the following code.. where. $term id term id of the specified term of taxonomy. $data stored icon. $data stored number position...... Changed Connection of Font Awesome Icons moved to the foot of the page for stability and determined many conflicts with other badges in head section.. Added Now You can shift the type of the text and background hover with help of the additional parameters of constructor.
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