For Facebook sharing how can I set the image and Facebook uses.. Facebook expects Title Description and preview image of shared page to be defined in Open Graph meta tags of shared page.. Scrape Again. to test page shifts and Facebook's cache of page or use Batch Invalidator to cleanse Facebook's cache of URLs.. With WordPress this can be accomplished with plugins such as Yoast SEO or Social Meta feature of the All in One SEO Pack. Upload sharing icons in directory to games and make sure the icon filenames match the icon filenames packaged in the AddToAny plugin. For AddToAny's button go to Universal Button select Image URL and specify the games of AddToAny universal share number like the filename... In theme's issue s find the element that you want to position the gallery to the element should have length then add the following PHP code as subject of that subject element... Excellent. alphastore. flexible and not hard to use. thank you for your plugin....... wonderful. jasmine clontz. detailed share button that covers all the bases. ive looks for best share forever and this one takes the cake....... Fix Google+ follow URL removing the hardcoded + thanks foxtucker Be sure to add the + to ID if you have Google+ URL.... Custom follow services can be added to the Follow widget using A2A FOLLOW services filter hook see the FAQ. Small. for Icon Size to see the chinese buttons and in Standalone Buttons click. Add Remove Services. to deselect Facebook Twitter and Google Plus.
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