To include specific set of number, choose from flow and flow page, or create flow with your desired group of number. When doing this, you'll also have the application to choose what other action the customer can access when port through the booking process, using flows and flow pages. This option lets you generate button or text link, which will then take the directly to the booking process when double-clicked. Book button link options. Enter your button or link text in Label field, then choose what the link should inaugurate to flow, or availability.. Note To inaugurate Lightframe from button or link, you'll need to also include Lightframe API script on your page or, if you have WordPress site, have WordPress Plugin installed.... Online Enter Ref ID that terms where the locate, or link is being used. Note this application is only if you have two or more online price sheets... ASN If your company works with user, this is where you can choose affiliate to identify. Simple HTML code is most usually paired with the Auto- Lightframe script, and can also be used if your page is to use Lightframe API.. Note Without the Auto- Lightframe feature, both Simple HTML. Depending on what application are selected, step may be required before the locate, or link can work correctly.. Lightframe API required If you're adding button or link that will inaugurate Lightframe using Javascript, the additional code in this step is required for opening Lightframe properly.
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