Validated Field add-on for Advanced Custom Fields. provides wrapper for input types which allows you to provide customer input masking using the jQuery. Read Only specify field as read-only allowing it to be displayed but updated.. WordPress Multi Language with multilingual sites using WPML plugin.. Ensure that you have Advanced Custom Fields installed and that it is activated.. Validated Field will as input type in the field group editor... Global categories for Validated Field plugin can be locate in WordPress Admin Custom Fields > Validated Field Settings..... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... 1.7.6. ACF4 Update for jQuery mask concerns with ACF version 4.4.2+.. Improved support for use of single and double quotes within the verification pattern.. Update to work with the version of ACF JavaScript validation requires nested DIV to well append message to the input field... This patches the number where duplicate values are added to lion field or the same value is entered for many meta keys when the unique type is. global.. post type. or. post..... Better support for Relationship field settings only load sub field when the action is acf fields relationship query posts ACF4 or acf fields relationship query ACF5.. Front End Admin CSS enable acf form head to enqueue topic payment to on.... Improved SQL for unique message to support Relationship fields recheck both arrays and IDs..
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