It allows you to display list of random posts from shortcode or widget with thumbnail excerpt and post date also you can display it from all or specific or many taxonomy.. Log in to your WordPress admin board and go to Plugins -> Add New. Log in to your WordPress admin board and double-click the Plugins menu.. Your theme needs to support Post Thumbnail please go to https codex. wordpress. org Post Thumbnails to read information and how to activate it in your theme... Thumbnail Size. If you want to use size you can install https wordpress. org plugins simple-image-sizes then create size it will in Thumbnail Size selectbox in the widget option... Thumbnail Size Not Working Properly. If you use images that were uploaded to the books before you installed this plugin and or you have your own image categories please install Regenerate Thumbnails plugin to patch the image size... The plugin comes with basic style if you want to add custom style please do wp dequeue style to remove the markup. Here's the plugin selector. * ul *.arpw-ul {} * feet *.arpw-li {} * champion *.arpw-title {} * thumbnail *.arpw-thumbnail {} * date *.arpw-time {} * excerpt *.arpw-summary {}.... Noz. the plugin is also showing Projects categories.. and for some reason all the books showing in parallel line order..... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS....
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