Advisor is the best suited for corporate websites like Financial Advisor, Accountant, Consulting Firms, insurance, loan, tax help, Investment firm and Sofware firms.
It's template that is helpful for online display of Corporate Business, Financial Firms, and IT agencies.
While with the help of included Visual Composer, you can create website with just drag and drop.
The Advisor comes packed full of features that are totally customizable, to extend that we've hand designed and coded another 30+ element for the builder, just for Advisor.
Unlimited Colour Schemes Advisor gives you full control over the theme colors, using our live preview theme options you can change all the in the theme, you're given total control over the theme fonts, sizes, paddings, margins using Visual composer design options..
Icons Beautiful, custom icons at your disposal, use them all over the theme, they look beautiful on mobile devices too..
Get your modifications going even faster. 5* Support All From Developer Developer knows the theme better than anyone else, so you're guaranteed great & answer to your usage or setup question..
Version 1.4 - Fixed Default blog page issue fixed - Fixed Contact shortcodes fixed - Fixed Sub menu issue fixed - Fixed Mobile menu issue fixed - Fixed W3c validation errors resolved - Fixed Headers structure refined - Updated Revolution slider updated - Updated Visual composer updated.
Version 1.1 - Fixed Contact form email issue - Fixed Show hide breadcrumbs issue - Fixed Page banner margin issue - Fixed Company and attachment title issue - Fixed Footer widgets space issue when no widgets are enabled - Fixed.
Released on November, 2016 - Released Advisor Consulting, Business, Finance WordPress Theme...
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