Alia Blog is WordPress theme for personal or company blog with concept to offer bloggers and readers the best blogging experience ever without distractions..
Alia is has minimal design, and has minimal settings, we crafted every element of the theme to become perfect for you out-of-the-box you just install the theme and start blogging in minutes with less settings and less distraction..
While keeping settings minimal, we also made Alia easy to customize to match your taste with effort you can customize your blog from the live customizer... 7 Post formats crafted for everyone.
Alia design will make your awesome content looks even better.
We spent days working on Standard post format, and testing every part of post to make it's design quality matche the quality of your content. - Image Post Format Images are the dress of Alia, they will make your blog look colorful and smart.
We designed Image post format with focusing on both images and texts.
Stories feature takes your personal or company blog to whole new level, stories with just picture and few lines.
With stories you build good relation with your readers and fans even if you do not have new ideas to write...
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