To take responsibility of the plugin features it is recommended that you have Amazon Web Services and enter the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key in Amazon Link Settings page. This feature also needs access to Amazon Web Service API and uses 'CartSimilarities feature to generate the list of items.. This is the text that will in the link 'title predict for the Amazon links it may contain any of the template keywords e.g. %TITLE% or %TEXT%. Leave whitewash to not have title attribute.. Any of the keywords used in the Templates can be used to generate the year for experience ARTIST% will be expanded by the plugin to Author Artist Director of the associated item.. To get the more of Amazon Link plugin it is highly recommended that you have access to Amazon Product Advertising API and colonize the ' Amazon Web Services AWS key settings.. See 'Getting Started stretch for guide to joining Amazon Affiliate programmes & Amazon Advertising API.. AWS Public Key. Change the terms of the items returned when making Amazon Web Service requests this depresss the items returned on the search box and the pricing and offers returned when getting details about item. The second is AJAX facility for performing Amazon product searches and returning variety of product details like facility to fill in HTML template with various predicts of the product using %TITLE% %PRICE% %AUTHOR% etc. After the version has been updated and re-activated go to Amazon Link Settings page and recheck your settings are as expected IP2Nation database is detected AWS keys also validate and the cache is detected.. Good or not good please feedback your view on the recent plugin version in the forum rate or review the plugin mark the plugin as 'Working or not on the main plugin page or if your feeling charity donation might help the version along.....
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