Description. Arconix Testimonials is easy-to-use plugin that allows you to showcase the great them your customers or users saying about you or your business.. Base stylesheet is responsive and is looks best of the box with almost theme but supports upgrade-safe customizations if integration is desired... It is not hard to use presents content well and the documentation WordPress Plugins and the page is excellent and lets the user know how where to use CSS for customization.. mium.. If you download the automatically make sure the files are uploaded to wp-content plugins arconix-testimonials.. Place Arconix Testimonials widget in the need widget area. That's why I made the flexible pirate includes arconix-testimonials. css to the root of folder and make your need improvements. Feel free to submit send request over Github add idea to Trello Board or you can phone me Twitter Facebook or Website.... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Now you can minimize the testimonials display in the widget using Excerpt content option... Added metabox to the testimonial edit screen that provides the Post ID.
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