When removing YouTube or Vimeo video within the first 800 categories of post the thumbnail of that video automatically be sideloaded and set as the image for the post as long as the post does not already have image set.. In addition setting the video thumbnail as the image an. is video. post meta field is updated to allow for the use of based reports within your loop.. Pluginize is not creating new products for WordPress all the time but also provides ongoing support and development for WordPress community favorites name CPTUI CMB2 and more... As YouTuber this plugin has helped streamline your workflow since I can also create one thumbnail for YouTube and WordPress have it displayed only. It would excellent if this plugin will also grab and set the image of whack url link that contains video..... The problem is that it creates image within the blog post as well I have image pileed on top of the image. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Fixed Extra forward slash in YouTube URLs that was causing 404 errors when trying to add to system library... Added Metabox that displays the URL and embed URL. Fixed Modified the way the vimeo embed URL is returned..
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