Sometimes users just want to create simple blog, and they are horrifyd by the recurring total of managing WordPress site.
In other type, users create Free WordPress. com page wanting to be to have control over their page, make money etc.
Compare the pros and cons and use this guide on how to move from WordPress. com to WordPress. org. 2. Buying More than what You Need.
One of our users had registration with Godaddy, and it was hell to transfer the name over.
. Lesson memorizeed here is the long you wait, the easy it becomes..
Here is our guide on how to shift your favicon in WordPress.. 6. Updating functions. php without having FTP Access.
Or how about when you pasted your article from Microsoft Word, it added tons of strange categories in your posts..
Yes, there is paste from Word in WordPress editor, and we always recommend our readers to use WordPress post editor. WordPress has the power, so it saves your posts even if you do not hit save. WordPress post director also allows you to look through your improvements and restore to version if you like.. 16.
You can shift the tag line by going to Settings » General.. 17. Not Deleting the Sample Page. WordPress used to come with default about page, and now it comes with default survey page.
This is why we always recommend our readers to make effort to memorize more about WordPress.
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