Pages Session the pages per visit, i.e how many pages on average your readers viewing before they leave your web site the greater the number the better. Bounce rate Bounce rate is the percentage of people who left your web site without viewing other pages within your site the lower the number the 2. To find out which are the popular pages of your site navigate to BEHAVIOR > Site Content > All Pages.. Note In order to view Google Analytics your browser you have to be logged in to Google with account that has manager role for that website Google Analytics... By default, you statistics by Day and on the main panel you have the option to select by Week or Month.. Proven SEO tips >download this how to guide and learn how to optimize your website like Pro.. Knowing what time of the day you receive the most traffic, it can help you make better decisions as to what time to publish your new posts or even adjust your Adwords campaigns and increase the bids during those hours.. Hour of Day Google Analytics Report To view this report again once it's saved, go to CUSTOMIZATION > Custom Reports and click on Hour of Day report.. To make this report easier to read, click on PERFORMANCE icon from the bar and sort the report by hour .. you can start using segments and advanced filters to drill down and learn how to use Google analytics to boost your SEO...
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