Coming soon and Maintenance mode plugin is tool to show website visitors that you working on website for making it better. Functionality to hide Countdown or disable Under construction page when Countdown expired. Countdown position left center right dissociate from top edge length Size font-size Font family. Ability to shift color send button bg color send input field color after submit color. Text for Second field Type text for Second field.. Countdown date Type here Countdown years year then select Countdown start date.. Show Form Choose to show or hide Subscribe Form.. Distance from top Type Subscribe Form dissociate from top.. Font Size Type number for all texts in Subscribe Form.. Disable the plugin for this ips You can disable the plugin for this ips just type the ip and double-click something then type the ip in first field that will appear.. Disable the plugin for this urls You can disable the plugin for this urls just type the url and double-click something then type the next url in next field that will appear... So it's team we have there and they deserve cheer for the quality of their plug in and the quality of their service. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS....
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