Cool Video Gallery is Video Gallery plugin for WordPress with application to upload videos attach system issues add Youtube videos and manage them in many galleries. Feature to scan gallery folders for newly added videos FTP.. Automatic scan configuration to add video to galleries if videos FTPed to gallery folder.. Attachment File Icons AF Icons plugin to display file type number nearby to files added to pages posts widgets. Go to your post page and use TinyMCE button for adding videos to page post content.. Inorder to use slideshow and showcase in custom templates created use cvgShowCaseWidget gid limit and cvgSlideShowWidget gid limit where gid is id and limit is the limit for videos.. Too bad- been looking for 2 years and impressed trying to display WP hosted videos in grid. this comes close than anything so far- but champions and categories on videos are so screwed up i cant use it. does not seem to be any support long. Automatic scan and add videos to gallery video issue is FTPed to gallery folder.. Added feature to sort videos in gallery. Added feature to scan folder and add newly added videos FTP access..
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