Create Acuity Scheduling coupon codes for WooCommerce orders.
When your customers purchase item on WooCommerce store reward them with discount on their or subject.
Use this Zap to automatically create discount codes in Acuity Scheduling whenever new orders are created in WooCommerce.
Surprise your customers with discount and increase commitment and happiness..
WooCommerce order is created. Zapier creates discount code in Acuity Scheduling..
Apps involved. WooCommerce. Acuity Scheduling.....
Use this Zap... WooCommerce is WordPress eCommerce plugin that transforms WordPress website into fully included eCommerce store.
Send customer and information from WooCommerce to Zapier.
Note this service requires WooCommerce Zapier Extension that is available for purchase on the woothemes. com extension store.....
One of the email services Gmail keeps track of all your emails with treaded discussion tags and Google-powered search to found find message you need........
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