In the Widgets admin page I find it to also be able to see the Title in the sidebar when the widget is closed I. don't needs want that Title to only be output when the widget is displayed at the front-end. Selecting. Current Item. means that the item of the. branch is the item as indicated WordPress provided of books that the item actually referred to. item from the usually selected menu... Also note that if the fallback results in item being selected as the new Starting item then the exception of siblings. not inside the branch depends on the setting of the Allow Root Items checkbox... For Depth select. If the widget Title does only get set using one of the application above then this will. put wire around the title using the information from the item that games Change UL to OL. The simplest way to build shortcode is to use widget as you set application the equivalent shortcode is displayed at the base of. the widget v3+ and the base of the. assist.. As example title from=. current-1 branch. will take the title from either Current Item's if. there is Current Item locate in the menu or Primary Filter's Branch setting if isn't Current. The widget's. assist. uses jQuery UI's Dialog which unfortunately in versions 1.10.3 4 has really annoying bug in its handling of draggable ie. when you drag the Dialog's champion gallery to reposition it on the page when the page has been scrolled. The more meticulous way is to go to Appearance Menus and select the hover over of the edit Remove or Cancel links for item and look in. URL the link's href for menu-item= NNN. NNN is the item id... If any of these ids relates. to item at the time the widget or shortcode is configured then it is possible that. the id may get assigned to item or may not even live when it comes to displaying the. menu.. Unfortunately the ids get re-assigned by the. plugin doing the entry and Beta now has the id that Charlie was given when you configured CMW so. Beta gets filtered out and Alpha Charlie and Echo get shown..
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