Jane O'Neal is Bootstrap Dance Studio Web Template of neat, mesmerizing design and functionality.
Preloaded with over 30 ready-made HTML5 pages, it will boost the promotion of your dancing school all over the web space.
In case you want to involve the audience into your story from the get go, take advantage of functionality with thought-through layouts to make each and everyone hooked up on your site.
integrated booking form will let you provide future clients with info about your schedule and opportunity to reserve spot for training when needed.
E-Commerce Page Template will give you chance to start selling your goods online.
Thanks to W3C Valid, well commented and SEO code your future site will be ranked in search engines and scale down to any screen with ease.
Also, you will have opportunity to implement any edits to this theme, customize it to match your personal taste.
Grab Dance Studio Web Template and build your dream site today...
Some of the forms included may require extra scripts and or database functionality...
For uncompressing ZIP package WinZip 9+ Stuffit Expander 10+ ... - CSS bug fixed - minor font issue fixed - background issues fixed - minor styles issues fixed...
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