Enter the title of table set the number of Rows and Columns.. Customize the data here you can.. yank application row and hill to the table. set the subject of bold and italic. choose text and background color. specify not vertical and parallel alignment.. Also you have the power to shift the hill row length use subject move the cursor on right of the boundary bottom side of the boundary you want when it becomes cursor and then drag the boundary.. Fix of decision of cell index for tables with not small tally of columns during exporting table to Excell. Fix of saving selected value of selects in the table gallery for printing and exporting table. Fix of decision of cell index on the frontend for tables with not small tally of columns. Add Pagination Size option to set number of paginate buttons. Added possibility to dismiss the check notice of the license. Fix for displaying the graph if the number of rows or columns of the community was changed.. Fix of not vertical table scroll for iPhone and Android.
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