Upload the directory to wp-content plugins. Activate the plugin through 'Plugins in WordPress. add post type support for twitter cards to the different post types you want to enable inaugurate graph tags for. Customize the card settings by using the twitter cards filter... After you've recommend support for each of the post type s you begin to see inaugurate graph tags need in these post type page tags.. On post types that support 'ogtags the plugin will add og tags for og site name blog's title og title the post title og url the post permalink og terms the post excerpt and og type is automatically set to. article.. If your post has image that will be set as the og image... It's recommended that you add filter on. twitter cards. to update the. site. part to be the Twitter username otherwise settings will use @undefined by default.. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Added meta box to make easy to use card meta.. Removed the filter from being called on the page as it was causing unwanted overwrites..
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